hrp0095lb11 | Late Breaking | ESPE2022

Cortisol evaluation in 106 neonates born from mothers using corticosteroids during pregnancy. Proposal for practical approach in clinical practice.

Snijder P.M. , Brandsma AE , van Wijk CAM , Baartmans MGA , van der Heyden JC , van den Akker ELT , Sas TCJ

Context: Supra-physiological exogenous corticosteroids used during the last months of pregnancy may lead to temporary neonatal adrenal suppression. Little is known about the outcome of neonates from mothers who used corticosteroids during pregnancy.Objective: The evaluation of clinical symptoms and biochemical findings of adrenal suppression in neonates from mothers using corticosteroids during pregnancy.<p class="ab...

hrp0097p1-101 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Withdrawing growth hormone treatment at mid-puberty in idiopathic isolated growth hormone deficiency: baseline characteristics in patient-preference design study

Vliegenthart Joeri , Wit J.M. , Bakker B. , Boot A.M. , de Bruin C. , Finken M.J.J. , van der Heyden J.C. , Houdijk E.C.A.M. , van der Kamp H.J. , van Mil E.G.A.H. , Reedijk A.M.J. , Sas T.C.J. , Schott D.A. , van Setten P. , Straetemans S. , van Tellingen V. , Touwslager R.N.H. , van Trotsenburg A.S.P , Voorhoeve P.G. , van der Kaay D.C.M.

Background: The majority of children diagnosed with idiopathic isolated growth hormone deficiency (IIGHD) show a normal growth hormone (GH) secretion (assessed by GH stimulation tests) when retested at near adult height (NAH). It appears plausible that if normal stimulated GH secretion is observed in mid-puberty, continuing recombinant human GH (rhGH) treatment may only have a minor effect on NAH. The effect on NAH has never been investigated in a prospective ...